Infinity is within us all, we are all one, yet there are powerful influences currently seeking to create division among us. Embracing our shared humanity and celebrating our diversity can help us build a more harmonious future.

Infinity, a concept so vast and profound, resonates within each and every one of us. It symbolizes the boundless potential that lies within our very being, connecting us all in a cosmic tapestry of existence. This unity, this oneness, is a fundamental truth that transcends individual differences and unites us in a shared human experience. However, there are forces at play that seek to sow seeds of discord and create divisions among us.
These dividing forces driven by the media seek to exploit our differences, fueling conflicts and perpetuating a sense of separation. They thrive on instigating fear, hatred, manipulating us into seeing each other as opponents rather than allies.
"Don't be fooled by the internet. It is cool to get on the computer, but don't let the computer get on you. It is cool to use the computer, don't let the computer use you. You all saw the matrix. There is a war going on, the battlefield is in the mind and the prize is the soul. Be careful."
Prince, 1999
I find it crucial to recognize these divisive influences and resist their attempts to fragment our unity. It becomes even more necessary to remain grounded and taking deep breaths.
Being in control of our own energy involves being connected to our intuition and listening to our hearts. By fostering empathy, understanding and compassion towards one another, we can strengthen the bonds that connect us. Embracing our shared humanity and celebrating our diversity can help us build a more harmonious society, unifying us in a collective journey towards a brighter future.
We are spiritual entities in flesh and blood, yearning for connection. We crave to be one with the other, to be one with the divine. It is the state of our original home – as souls. Being one is where we come from. In the ether there is no duality. On earth we are visitors. Volunteers who chose to be here in order to learn and grow. We achieve this by stepping out of our comfort zones and interacting with others.
Every time we spot a pattern, a strategy from our past, we have the chance to integrate it and update our karmic imprint accordingly. Each time we bring a shadow aspect to light, we deprive it of the power to control us. In doing so, we elevate and empower ourselves.
In the spiritual state, existing as disembodied souls, we lack the experience of the third dimension. We lack the experience of embodiment. As non-reincarnated souls we are unable to physically experience what we mentally project as frequency. But we do project all the time, we send frequencies into the universe. We are constantly on air. Everything we think creates and influences the world around us and shapes our realities.
As the protectors of our realm of thoughts, we serve as the gatekeepers, choosing which thoughts to share with the world and which to allow in. This is our responsibility. Often, we are not aware of our thoughts, but they are always there. By increasing our awareness of this mental energy, WE determine which frequency we emit and therefore which world we create.
We are the creators of our realities. We are not victims, we decide which forces we empower. I suggest we enhance the spirit of empathy, compassion, love, peace, diversity and furthermore celebrate the fact that we all are unique.
I am sending only my brightest visions of union into the universe and manifest humanity as a unified family.
Sat Nam!
Should you desire to enhance your awareness, Kundalini Yoga is an excellent method to achieve this. Known as the Yoga of awareness, it offers a great way to expand your consciousness. If you have any inquiries or wish to learn more about personal coaching, please feel free to get in touch. I am more than happy to help with any assistance you may require.
Wonder -ful post✊🏻❤️🙌that’s what we need in this time🙏big hug 🤗 Noa
Love this! Great post, specially now! 🙏🏻✨