1-3 minutes Pranayama
If you want to strengthen yourself in the year 2024: The ego eradicator could be a great exercise for you. It opens the lungs and the heart, consolidates the magnetic field, brings the brain hemispheres to a state of alertness and helps to set us free from negative self-talk.

From a numerogical point of view the year 2024 is a number 8 (2+2+4 = 8). In Kundalini Yoga the 8 corresponds with the 8th, the Pranic Body, which is part of our electro magnetic field, the Aura. By breathing our Pranic Body continuously brings the life force and energy into our systems. This allows us to feel fearless, fully alive, and at one with all creation. When your Pranic Body is strong, and your breathing is deep and relaxed, nothing can bother you. On the other hand: All disease starts with an imbalance in the Pranic Body. If our Eighth Body is weakened, we may suffer from low-level anxiety and chronic fatigue.
not sleeping enough
eating high levels of acidic or processed foods
Alcohol or drug use
not getting enough exercise
Aerobic exercise
Quality time in nature
All forms of pranayama
The Ego Eradicator is an important Pranayam: The Breath of Fire comes in combination with a posture that helps to build and strengthen our electromagnetic fields. In Kundalini Yoga the thumb represents the ego. In this exercise the thumbs are stretched up reaching towards the heavens. This invites the Ego to surrender.
You can do Ego Eradicator for 1-3 minutes (for beginners) or even longer if you are used to it. It is a wonderful way to connect yourself with your subtle bodies. A strong Pranic Body is something you would like to want in the year 2024.
"Love is a process in which ego is lost and infinity is experienced.“
Yogi Bhajan
Before you start the practice, please tune in. By tuning in you connect yourself through the vibration of the mantra with the energy of all the Kundalini masters, also called the golden chain. By chanting you get in contact with the universe which is receptive on a certain frequency.
Don't practice if you are pregnant or menstruating.
Sit in Easy pose with a straight spine. Chin slightly tucked in. Curl the fingertips onto the pads on the base of the finger. Bring the straight arms into a 60 degree angle. Try to keep the arms straight. Stretch your thumbs away from your palms so they’re pointing towards one another above your head. Eyes are closed. Focus on the Third Eye. Start Breath of Fire.
Breath of Fire is rapid, rhythmic, and continuous. It is equal on the inhale and the exhale, with no pause between them. (Approximately 2-3 cycles per second.) Ego Eradicator is practiced through the nostrils with mouth closed. If you don't know what is Breath of Fire, I recommend you to read my other post about Breath of Fire first.
To End:
Inhale deeply, exhale fully. Relax the arms, keep the eyes closed and observe the impact of the practice for a couple of moments.
To end the practice please tune out.
Releases toxins and deposits from the lungs, mucous linings, blood vessels, and other cells.
Expands the lung capacity and increases vital strength.
Strengthens the nervous system to resist stress.
Repairs the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
Strengthens the navel chakra.
Increases physical endurance and prepares you to act effectively.
Adjusts the subtle psycho-electromagnetic field of the aura so that the blood becomes energized.
Reduces addictive impulses for drugs, smoking, and bad foods.
Increases oxygen delivery to the brain, facilitating a focused, intelligent, and neutral state of mind.
Boosts the immune system and may help prevent many diseases.
Promotes synchronization of the biorhythms of the body’s systems.
If you have any questions about Ego Eradicator, I am happy to assist.
Also check out my other posts about Breath is Life and the Golden Chain.
Sat Nam!
The mantra I used in the video is called PAVAN GURU by WHITE SUN.
This kriya is courtesy of YB Teachings, LLC. It was originally taught by Yogi Bhajan.
The instructions and advice given on the blog and/or during classes are not a substitute for professional medical or psychological treatment of ailments. The information and exercises have been carefully considered and reviewed, however its application is at your own discretion and responsibility. As with all unsupervised practice your use of the instructions on this website is taken on your own risk. Results regarding benefits do vary according to physical differences, correctness and frequency of the practice. If you have an injury or illness and are in doubt as to whether yoga is suitable for you, please consult your doctor/health practitioner.