It is hard to find Kundalini Yogis in tight tops celebrating their bodies on social media, they are usually dressed in white with their head covered. Their looks don't fit into our over sexualised world, that's why it may come as a surprise that in the tradition of Kundalini Yoga sex is not a taboo at all.
Swadhistana Chakra by Erica Pang
Sex has been demonised by various religions, associated with shame and demystified by the porn industry. Nowadays sex is used to sell products and to pimp click baiting strategies. Sex has been corrupted to serve capitalistic interests and most worrying there is a tendency of sexualising kids - allowing them in talent shows dressed up in a seductive way far too early in their lives.
But the good news is that we are invited by this very moment in history to change all of that. With this immense shift going on right now on the planet, we are able to reset our values and create a space with a natural approach to life, including sex as well.
Let us remember the sacredness that lies in this pure life energy which happens to be the sexual energy, emerging from our second chakra - The Swadhistana. While sex is said to be a waste of prana (life force energy) in the teachings of some Yoga styles, Kundalini Yoga understands sex as a sacred act when the two polarities of female and male are melting into one. Kundalini Yoga and Tantra are intertwined in the sense that both disciplines comprehend human life as a manifestation of the Divine. In both teachings the universe is understood as the cosmic play of the polarities - which are masculine (Shiva) and feminine (Shakti) in nature.
"Anything, which crosses each other is tantra. Because whenever two lines will cross it will make a point. Everybody is born on a point at a certain longitude and a certain latitude. So that is what is called creativity and initiative. Then you move through the longitude and latitude that is called life. And then at a certain longitude and latitude you quit. And that is called goodbye. And the science is teaching you your origin, your passage and your quittal, which is a tantra."
Yogi Bhajan
So let us talk about sex without the least preconceptions possible - sex as the life creating force we've all emerged from. The most natural, most magic energy ever, because it is the energy of creation. Life begins with an orgasm and I start to believe that it will end with one. It is so precious and strong that it can produce life on Earth. How many babies have been triggered to life by this one sperm that could reach the egg to unite and start multiplying?
“Kundalini is a Shakti energy that manifests the Infinite in the finite body and mind. (…) Tantra regards the universe as the divine play of Shiva and Shakti - a dynamic play of pure energy."
Yogi Bhajan
Shakti is the representative of Yoni, which refers to the womb or vagina, while Shiva is associated with the lingam, the phallus. The ongoing cosmic play of Shakti and Shiva is responsible for our existence. Once we manage to liberate the term sex from its abuse to serve capitalists interests we can celebrate its beauty and remember it as the supreme life creating force that it is.
When we overcome the polarities, we unite with the divine, we are enlightened. We are One with the Universal Consciousness. This is what the word Yoga literally means, it refers to the stage on the spiritual path when the union of the individual with the universal consciousness happens. It is also called Samadhi, Moksha or Nirvana.
The practices of Kundalini and Tantra yoga aim to awaken the dormant energy within the body and mind in order to connect the individual with the universal consciousness. Both styles of Yoga use a combination of asana, pranayama, mantras and meditation to do so.
Kundalini yoga in particular focuses on the awakening and activation of the Kundalini energy, while Tantra yoga comprehends the body as a microcosm of the universe and seeks to harmonise the individual’s energy with the cosmic one. In the tantric philosophy nothing that exists isn't divine, because everything in the universe holds a potential for spiritual growth. When the polarities meet on a physical level during sex the potential for spiritual expansion is very auspicious.
Sex in the tradition of Tantra has the aim to weave the opposite polarities to merge and experience transcendent Oneness. Every intimate relationship is a chance to uplift each other. During sex we can experience glimpses of this Oneness. We can experience the transcendence of our home - the home of our spirits, which is the Divine, the infinity or God.
Having written all that you easily can understand that there is absolutely no reason not to unite with the person you love on a physical level. As long as it is an act of mutual pleasure, elevation and union. Sex in a tantric context can be a sacred space of expansion and coming home at the same time.
And of course the key to it is love. The kind of love that is able to resolve ego and enables us to experience infinity. So let us spread this immaculate energy in a very generous way, we need it now more than ever: Pure Love - towards yourself, towards others and towards every being in the universe.

Shiva & Shakti