Sitali Pranayama is known for its powerful cooling and relaxing impact on the body, promoting alertness. It is recognized for its ability to reduce fevers and aids digestion.

Pranayam is the science of breath, controlling the movement of prana through the use of breathing techniques. In Sanskrit, 'sitali' or 'sheetali' means 'soothing' or 'cooling'. 'Prana' is the 'life force', and 'ayam' could be translated as 'extension'. Thus Sitali Pranayam refers to a breathing practice that is cooling and soothing to the body and the mind.
Next time you are feeling hot or angry try it out. Change your breath pattern like described below and see what happens. If you suffer from hot flashes, this way of breathing can help as well.
Sit in a comfortable meditation pose with the back straight and the chin slightly tucked in. Relax yourself and when you are ready tune in with 3x ONG NAMO GURU DEV NAMO.
Curl the tongue into a “U” shape.
Inhale through the curled tongue.
Exhale through the nose.
Continue for 3 minutes in this breathing pattern.
Relax and contemplate the change within.
Add another round of 3 minutes of Sitali Pranayam if you can.
Relax afterwards and be aware of the sensations within.
If you physically cannot curl the tongue, don't worry, some people just can't. Alternatively you can just extend the tongue and inhale over the extended tongue and then exhale through the nose. Continue with this breathing pattern.
You may notice the tongue tasting bitter at first. This is a sign of detoxification. It will pass.
If you practice Sitali Pranayam in a cold climate and you are feeling cold after the practice, please add a 1-3 minutes exercise of Breath of Fire afterwards, which is able to raise your body temperature again.
If you suffer from Asthma or Bronchitis or low blood pressure, this practice is not recommended
To end the practice, please tune out with 3x SAT NAMS.
When practiced regularly Sitali Pranayama is believed to help cleanse the spleen, liver, and digestive system. This breathing techniques calming effects, particularly work on the fourth, fifth, and sixth vertebrae, playing a role in regulating sexual and digestive functions.
If you have any questions about this or another practice, I am happy to assist.
Just drop me a message.
Check out my posts about Breath is Life and Ego Eradicator.
Sat Nam!
The instructions and advice given on the blog and/or during classes are not a substitute for professional medical or psychological treatment of ailments. The information and exercises have been carefully considered and reviewed, however its application is at your own discretion and responsibility. As with all unsupervised practice your use of the instructions on this website is taken on your own risk. Results regarding benefits do vary according to physical differences, correctness and frequency of the practice. If you have an injury or illness and are in doubt as to whether yoga is suitable for you, please consult your doctor/health practitioner.