In this section, I present interviews with individuals committed to lighten up the world: Bionicman turned the fact that he was born with one hand into a superpower, becoming the true embodiment of a WARRIOR OF LIGHT. Are you prepared for some Bionicmania?

At the end of 2018 Bionicman, a.k.a. Michel Fornasier, created Bionicman, a superhero whose strongest muscle is his heart. One of his mission is to change the perception of people with special needs.
Kavalya Dhyan (KD): Michel, who are you?
Bionicman: My name is Michel, but sometimes I transform myself into Bionicman. Usually then when I am on one of my tours, aiming to increase awareness about bullying in schools. Bionicman stands for mobbing-prevention and humanity. He challenges the idea that strength comes along with perfection. Everybody can be a superhero. So called "weaknesses" can transform themselves into superpowers, it's all a matter of perception. And that is what Bionicman tries to do: To broaden our horizon.
KD: How was Bionicman born?
Bionicman: The idea for Bionicman was sparked by children who noticed my bionic hand and inquired about my superpowers. Initially, I would dismiss their question, but eventually, I recognized the need to alter perceptions of individuals with special needs. 35 years long I was hiding my missing hand, 2018 I was ready to finally change that. Even though I am actually shy. Every time before I visit a school and the door to the classroom is opening I am nervous.
KD: So you are a real WARRIOR OF LIGHT, you get out of your comfort zone, overcome your shyness for a higher purpose. But each light worker also knows the darkness. I guess you do too?
Bionicman: At the age of seven, I received a cosmetic hand prosthesis. This experience left a lasting impact on me. I vividly recall the unsettling sight of artificial limbs scattered around the shop, so realistic they resembled something out of a horror movie. It was undeniably traumatic and I believe this experience planted the initial idea for Bionicman within me. My ultimate goal is to spare children from undergoing a similar ordeal.
KD: When you think back to your childhood and see what is happening in schoolyards right now, what are the major differences?
Bionicman: I guess Cyber Mobbing is new. In the era of social media, bullying doesn't end when school does. Although we can't completely eliminate the mobbing, we can strive to empower children to be stronger than the bullying. It takes very little to become a target — sometimes just a gap between one's teeth is enough. By understanding that not responding to bullying is the best way to stop it, the bully loses motivation, and both parties have the chance to learn an important life lesson.
KD: How exactly does Bionicman empower kids?
Bionicman: I once received feedback from a father whose son was bullied by two older kids at school. The boy told his bullies that even Bionicman, who only has one hand, is a superhero, so he must be one too. The comics of Bionicman and his team play a significant role in showcasing heroic characters with special needs. All of our comics are encouraging and 100% free of violence. The Bionics try to be role models with the mission to strengthen diversity in general and in particular we want to strengthen the self-esteem of those children with special needs by showing them that a so-called weakness can be transformed into a superpower.
KD: There is a new comic out now, what is new?
Bionicman: The initial three comic books primarily focused on the character of Bionicman. In the third book, Bionica emerged as a central character. With Bionicmania 1 & 2, we expanded the team once more and created the Bionics: alongside Bionicman and Bionica, there's Beow, the pirate cat who can travel through time, and Biog, a dog with a super paw. All of these comic characters exist in real life. With the first edition of Bionicmania, we started collaborating with graphic novel artists from around the globe. This is new as well.
KD: What has changed since you were a child in regards to the way artificial limbs look like and how they function?
Bionicman: The bionic hand is the first prosthesis that I accept. When I bend my wrist upwards, the upper muscle activates the electrode, causing the hand to open. Tensing both muscles triggers a programmed grip. In total I have 25 different grip patterns. Future advancements might allow thought-based control of the hand muscles, with promising research underway. However, if this necessitated brain surgery, I wouldn't opt for it. Ultimately, I am very thankful for the one human hand I have and for my life as a whole.
KD: Besides your empowerment in schools Bionicman literally gives children a hand, can you please explain in detail?
Bionicman: The desire for every child to access innovative hand prostheses led to the founding of GIVE CHILDREN A HAND. The foundation and specialists create functional 3D-printed prostheses which kids actually like. The comic sale revenue is invested by GIVE CHILDREN A HAND in various projects aimed at empowering children. We have developed a "confidence shield" for all kids. This space-ship-like shield is worn on the wrist whenever a child needs an extra boost of confidence. Currently, we are also working on the concept of a confiTENT, a tent where children can find a safe space - a place to retreat from all the stress of nowadays time.
KD: How does a 3D printed hand assist the kid in every days life?
Bionicman: Essentially, there are two primary modules. One utilizes ropes, allowing the child to open and close the hand. The click-based modules let children attach various handles to the stump socket. With this model, they can ride a bicycle, ski, and use it on stand-up paddle boards. In addition to the mechanical support of a 3D-printed hand, it enhances the child's self-esteem. One mother mentioned that a girl with a 3D-printed hand featuring a unicorn took it to bed with her because it made her feel protected.
KD: If you had one message to spread to the world, what would it be?
Michel Fornasier a.k.a. Bionicman: Being there for one another through thick and thin is a human Superpower.
KD: Thank you for your time and all the precious insights.
If you feel like supporting Bionicman on his mission you can either make a donation or buy the comics Bionicmania here. It might be the perfect Xmas gift to brighten up the world a litte bit more. Check Out some of the short stories in the preview.

Very interesting. Thank you! 😊
Absolutely powerful and inspiring interview 💪🏻❤️I’m a huge fan of bionicman and it’s wonderful that he has platform on your Blog- wouw great 🤩
Great Interview! 💯